Whether you have been charges with summary harassment or felony aggravated assault, you have the right to have a qualified attorney represent you. Bickerton Law has extensive experience in a wide variety of assault and harassment cases. If you have been charged with an assault or harassment offense, contact the criminal defense attorney of Bickerton Law for a consultation.
Assault Crimes in Pennsylvania
Simple AssaultAggravated AssaultAssault by a PrisonerAssault by life prisonerRecklessly endangering another personAssault on sports officialUnauthorized administration of intoxicantHarassment Crimes in Pennsylvania
Terroristic ThreatsPropulsion of Missiles into an occupied vehicle or onto a roadway (a missile can be any object)Discharge of a firearm into an occupied structurePaintball guns and paintball markersUse of tear or noxious gas in labor disputeHarassmentStalkingEthnic IntimidationNeglect of care-dependent personThreat to use weapons of mass destructionWeapons of mass destructionTerrorismAggravated Harassment by a Prisoner
Whether you have been charged with summary harassment or felony aggravated assault, you have the right to have a qualified attorney represent you. The consequences of a conviction for assault range from probation and fines to imprisonment and the loss of your right to possess a firearm.
Bickerton Law has extensive experience in a wide variety of assault and harassment cases. If you have been charged with an assault or harassment offense, contact criminal defense attorney William R. Bickerton at (412) 596-8124 for a consultation.
Bickerton Law is conveniently located 15 minutes from Downtown in the North Hills of Pittsburgh.
Assault Crimes in Pennsylvania
- Simple Assault
- Aggravated Assault
- Strangulation
- Assault by a Prisoner
- Assault by life prisoner
- Recklessly endangering another person
- Assault on a sports official
- Unauthorized administration of intoxicant
- Propulsion of Missiles into an occupied vehicle or onto a roadway (a missile can be any object)
- Discharge of a firearm into an occupied structure
- Paintball guns and paintball markers
- Use of tear or noxious gas in labor dispute
- Neglect of care-dependent person
Harassment Crimes in Pennsylvania
- Terroristic Threats
- Harassment
- Stalking
- Ethnic Intimidation
- Threat to use weapons of mass destruction
- Weapons of mass destruction
- Terrorism
- Aggravated Harassment by a Prisoner